Style Frames | 2018


The Taste — Gap.

“Ira Glass on Storytelling, Part 03” | Public Radio International | 1:45 

This project is analyzing and interpreting an existing narrative, developing a concept, story, and design approach that translates the message into an emotionally compelling visual essay that reinforces the viewer's understanding of the content.

Style Frames

<The Taste Gap> by Ira Glass | from from “Ira Glass on Storytelling, Part 03” | Public Radio International | 1:45

<The Taste Gap> by Ira Glass | from from “Ira Glass on Storytelling, Part 03” | Public Radio International | 1:45

V.O. You know we get into it.

V.O. You know we get into it.

V.O. But it's like there's a gap.

V.O. But it's like there's a gap.

V.O. But it's not quite that good.

V.O. But it's not quite that good.

V.O. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, your taste is still killer.

V.O. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, your taste is still killer.

V.O. They went through a phase of years where they had really good taste,

V.O. They went through a phase of years where they had really good taste,

V.O. You gotta’s totally normal.

V.O. You gotta’s totally normal.

V.O. Do a huge volume of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week or every month you know you’re gonna finish one story.

V.O. Do a huge volume of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week or every month you know you’re gonna finish one story.

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