Motion Graphic | 2021


All In To Vote: Check, Check, Check!


As a part of the All In Campus Democracy Challenge, All In To Vote is a newly branded campaign targeting newly eligible voters, to remind, encourage, and assist them to participate in the upcoming election. The campaign is directed both at newly eligible voters to spread the message among their peers to vote, as well as alerting administrative staff who would be distributing this information to newly applicable voters.

The goal of this project is to make three sharable animated gifs with a call to action in a fun and celebratory mood to inform, plan, and engage the young voters in voting.

This direction focuses on the visual elements, the checkmark. Using the graphic match cuts across the scenes, strong visual continuity of actions implies different meanings for each call to action. A visual throughline across the scenes attracts the audience and reinforces the positive message that encourages voting.

Register To Vote.

By showing simple and quick actions from our daily lives that visually creates the checkmark, conveys the message that registers to vote is quick and easy. (An arc of a bouncing ball, a party blower, water the plant, the minute and hour hands of the clock will visually connect with the checkmark on a vote checkbox.)


Make a Plan To Vote.

The animation provides actionable steps for how to make a plan to vote with a strong visual continuity.
(Check the time and dates, and provide options for voting: vote by mail or vote in-person. Every step will be linked between the shots with the check mark in the middle of the frames.)


Pledge To Vote.

By successively showing of holding hands of various people, and the hands of casting a ballot,
the animation creates a visual continuity of the checkmark encouraging the voters to make the pledge and take action to vote.


Initial Storyboards
